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ISLT 9417: Technology Action Research

Course Description:  Study of concepts associated with action research; and the processes and procedures for conducting action research. The culminating project is the development of an action research project.


Reflection:  I was actually really excited about this course from the beginning; I am not sure why, but I have always enjoyed research projects.  What was so great about this course was that along with the "research project," we were able to choose a topic that we were actually able to put into action!  I know it sounds a little corny now, but I didn't actually process that information until halfway through the class.  For our project, my group decided to research flipping the classroom to see if a flipped classroom does help to keep students motivated and engaged in the learning process in a math and science classroom.


Overall, our research showed that students generally are more engaged in STEM classrooms that follow a flipped classroom style. Students who are engaged almost naturally have a higher achievement level as well; especially in math and science classrooms.  So, we as teachers would be able to cover, explain, and walk through some of the more difficult problems and examples in class.

Working through this project really demonstrated to me how important it is to collect and analyze data before making any major changes or decisions that could affect my students.  I also feel as though this course really provided me with the proper knowledge and tools to successfully develop and conduct any future action research plans within my career.

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